What we offer you, that others don't...

When choosing someone to design your web site, there is certainly no shortage of those willing.
We know this and that's why we aim to give you unbeatable quality and value in web design—as well as all the trimmings—so that your choice is an easy one...

Unbeatable quality and value in web design

We are your one stop solution...

When you choose Lime Cat, we do all the work for you. We can sort out any photography, hosting, design and advertising you might need. You will deal with one customer representative who will get to know you, your organisation and your needs in depth. By using us as your one-stop solution makes life simpler for you and can save you money too!

We design sites with your audience in mind...

A web site can be very pretty and can have lots of features, which, of course we will provide. However, we never lose sight of your audience and the most important thing to them is usability. After all, a web site is useless if your visitors cannot find their way around. Chances are they will get bored very quickly and leave. We research all our sites to make sure they give your visitors the most useable experience possible.

We can get your sites to work for you...

We can show you how you can generate more income form your web site - even if you don't sell anything. By teaming up with affiliates you can earn commission for any visitors that link from your site to other affiliate member sites. An example of this is The Ginja Room selling iPods.

Relax - let us do the work
Relax - we'll sort out the technicalities

We help people find you...

Its a fact: every site relies on search engines to drive visitors to them. It is also a fact that if your site isn't listed in the top ten ranked sites for a given search term, you're unlikely to get many visitors at all. That's why we design your site to be "search engine friendly". This means building it from the ground up to ensure that it will always rank highly in search engine listings, such as Google. For example typing "Scottish Business Consultants" in Google ranks our customer, Maitland Consulting, number one!

We sort out the technicalities...

What about hosting my web site? Where do I get a domain name from? What about security? What about legal issues?

These are all questions people ask when they get a web site designed. But don't worry, we'll sort everything out for you. All you have to do is let us know whether you like the finished product!

Get started with the best web design solution for you Get started! Our solutions.

Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. YOu know what you are doing but nobody else does. Edgar Watson Howe.


Web site designers Web Design Glasgow Internet solutions

Built in as standard:

Built in as standard

Announcing our Made to Measure solutions with the following features at no extra charge:


We build sites to World Wide Web Consortium Accessibility Guidelines Level A, and will address all Level 1 priorities in the Bobby Accessibility recommendations.

Site Search

Site users have the ability to quickly navigate to a specific piece of information by searching the site text content for related topics


Our designs are always clean, contemporary, easy to navigate, fun and informative. We always make sure that photographs and illustrations are used where possible to lighten heavy text pages.


We provide content that encourages visitors to stay or return such as fun downloads.


You can view records of how many visitors your site is getting, what pages they are viewing and how they got there.

Lets Go! - click here to get started on your web site...

Web Sites Web Design Glasgow Scottish web designers